
How to Raise a Tent Off of the Ground: Tips and Tricks for Elevated Camping

Raising a tent off the ground can provide numerous benefits for a comfortable and enjoyable outdoor experience. By elevating your tent, you create a barrier between yourself and the often uneven or rocky terrain, ensuring a more restful sleep. Additionally, raising your tent off the ground can help protect you from insects and other small critters that may be crawling around on the forest floor.

There are several methods for raising a tent off the ground, including using a tent cot, a tent platform, or simply placing a tarp or groundsheet underneath the tent. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the one that best fits your needs and camping style. Additionally, it’s important to take proper safety precautions when raising a tent off the ground to ensure that it is secure and stable.

Key Takeaways

  • Raising a tent off the ground can provide a more comfortable and restful sleep while camping.
  • There are several methods for raising a tent off the ground, including using a tent cot, a tent platform, or a groundsheet.
  • Proper safety precautions should be taken when raising a tent off the ground to ensure stability and security.

Understanding the Basics of a Tent


When it comes to camping, a tent is an essential piece of equipment. It provides shelter and protection from the elements, allowing you to enjoy the great outdoors while staying safe and comfortable. Understanding the basics of a tent is crucial to ensure that you choose the right one for your needs and know how to set it up properly.

Types of Tents

There are several types of tents available, each with its own unique features and benefits. Some of the most common types include:

  • Dome Tents: These are freestanding tents that are easy to set up and provide good headroom. They are ideal for camping in areas with mild weather conditions.
  • Cabin Tents: These are larger tents that offer more space and comfort. They are often equipped with multiple rooms and can accommodate larger groups of people.
  • Backpacking Tents: These are lightweight and compact tents that are designed for backpackers and hikers. They are easy to carry and set up, making them perfect for camping in remote areas.

Tent Materials

Tents are typically made from one of two materials: nylon or polyester. Nylon is lightweight and durable, making it ideal for backpacking and hiking. Polyester is heavier but more durable, making it ideal for camping in areas with harsh weather conditions.

Tent Capacity

When choosing a tent, it’s important to consider its capacity. Tents are typically rated based on the number of people they can accommodate. However, it’s important to keep in mind that these ratings are often based on people sleeping shoulder-to-shoulder. If you want more space, it’s a good idea to choose a tent that is rated for one or two people more than you actually need.


Understanding the basics of a tent is crucial to ensure that you choose the right one for your needs and know how to set it up properly. By considering the type of tent, its materials, and its capacity, you can choose a tent that will provide you with the shelter and protection you need while camping.

Choosing the Right Location

When it comes to setting up a tent, choosing the right location is crucial for a comfortable and safe camping experience. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a spot to raise your tent:

Terrain Considerations

The terrain of the campsite is an important factor to consider when selecting a location for your tent. A flat and level surface is ideal for setting up a tent. Avoid areas with slopes, rocks, or roots, as they can cause discomfort and even damage to your tent. If the ground is not level, you can use a shovel or other tools to level the area.

Weather Factors

Weather can have a significant impact on your camping experience, so it’s important to consider the weather conditions when selecting a location for your tent. Avoid areas that are prone to flooding or have standing water accumulation. Setting up your tent on uneven ground can make it difficult to keep it off the ground effectively. Additionally, if there is a chance of rain, choose a location that is sheltered from the wind and rain.

It is also important to consider the direction of the sun. Choose a location that provides shade during the hottest part of the day, especially if you are camping during the summer months. If you are camping during the winter, choose a location that receives direct sunlight to help warm up your tent during the day.

By taking into account terrain considerations and weather factors, you can choose a location that will provide a comfortable and safe camping experience.

Materials Needed to Raise a Tent Off the Ground

Raising a tent off the ground can be done using various methods, and the materials required will depend on the method chosen. Here are some common materials needed to raise a tent off the ground:

Tent Selection

When selecting a tent, it’s important to consider the type of camping you will be doing and the terrain you will be camping on. A tent with a built-in elevated platform, such as a tent cot, is an excellent option for raising your tent off the ground. This type of tent provides a sturdy frame that keeps your tent elevated above the ground while combining the functions of a tent and a camping cot.

Another option is to use a traditional tent and raise it off the ground using additional tools and equipment.

Additional Tools and Equipment

To raise a tent off the ground, you will need some additional tools and equipment. Here are some common items to consider:

  • Cord or rope: Use the cord to secure the edges of the tent to solid objects like trees, posts, or rocks.
  • Stakes or nails: Use stakes or nails to hold the cord in place. Drive the stakes through the cord and into the ground to secure the tent.
  • Wood planks: If you are camping on rocky terrain or in an area where stakes can’t be driven into the ground, use wood planks to anchor the cord. Place the planks on the ground and tie the cord around them.
  • Camping platform: A camping platform is a raised platform that provides a flat surface for your tent. You can purchase a pre-made platform or build one yourself using plywood, 2x4s, and hinges.

It’s important to note that raising a tent off the ground requires careful consideration of the environment and the materials used. Always follow manufacturer instructions and local regulations when camping in public areas.

Step-by-Step Guide to Raising a Tent Off the Ground

Preparation Steps

Before raising a tent off the ground, it is essential to prepare adequately. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Choose a suitable location: Look for a flat surface that is free from debris, rocks, and vegetation. Make sure the area is not prone to flooding or standing water accumulation.
  2. Gather the necessary equipment: You will need a tent cot, a camping cot, or a tarp to elevate the tent off the ground. Also, make sure to bring stakes, guy lines, and a mallet to secure the tent.
  3. Clear the site: Remove any rocks, sticks, or other debris from the area where you will be setting up the tent.

Raising the Tent

Follow these steps to raise the tent off the ground:

  1. Set up the tent cot or camping cot: If you are using a tent cot or camping cot, set it up first. Make sure it is stable and secure.
  2. Place the tent on top: Once the cot is set up, place the tent on top of it. Make sure the tent is centered on the cot and that all corners are secure.
  3. Secure the tent: Use stakes and guy lines to secure the tent to the ground. Make sure the tent is taut and that the stakes are driven deep into the ground.

Securing the Tent

After raising the tent off the ground, it is essential to secure it properly. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Use guy lines: Attach guy lines to the tent’s corners and stake them into the ground. Make sure the lines are taut.
  2. Use stakes: Drive stakes into the ground at a 45-degree angle, making sure they are secure.
  3. Check for stability: Once the tent is secured, check to make sure it is stable and level. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure the tent is secure and safe.

By following these steps, you can raise a tent off the ground and enjoy a comfortable and safe camping experience.

Safety Precautions While Raising a Tent Off the Ground

When raising a tent off the ground, there are a few safety precautions that one must take to ensure a safe and secure camping experience. This section will discuss some of the important safety measures to keep in mind when raising a tent off the ground.

Handling Tools and Equipment

One of the most important safety precautions when raising a tent off the ground is to handle the tools and equipment carefully. Make sure that all the tools and equipment are in good working condition before using them. If you notice any defects or damages, repair or replace them before use.

When using tools such as hammers, make sure to use them with caution and avoid hitting your fingers or other body parts. Use gloves to protect your hands from getting hurt. Also, be careful when using sharp tools such as knives and scissors.

Ensuring Tent Stability

Another important safety precaution when raising a tent off the ground is to ensure that the tent is stable and secure. Make sure that the tent is properly anchored to the ground and that all the stakes are securely in place. If the ground is too hard or rocky, use a hammer to drive the stakes into the ground.

It is also important to ensure that the tent is properly balanced and that the weight is evenly distributed. Avoid placing heavy objects on one side of the tent, as this can cause the tent to tip over. Use a level to ensure that the tent is properly balanced.

In addition, make sure that the tent is properly ventilated to prevent the buildup of carbon monoxide. Never use a stove or a heater inside the tent, as this can cause a fire or carbon monoxide poisoning.

By following these safety precautions, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable camping experience when raising a tent off the ground.

Maintenance and Care of a Raised Tent

When camping, it is important to take care of your equipment to ensure it lasts as long as possible. This includes maintaining and caring for a raised tent, which can be more susceptible to wear and tear than a tent on the ground. Here are some tips for maintaining and caring for a raised tent.

Regular Inspections

It is important to regularly inspect your raised tent for any signs of damage or wear. This includes checking the tent’s frame, fabric, and zippers for any tears, holes, or other damage. If any damage is found, it should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

In addition to inspecting for damage, it is also important to regularly check the tension on the tent’s frame. Over time, the tension can loosen, which can cause the tent to sag or even collapse. Regularly checking and adjusting the tension can help prevent this from happening.

Cleaning and Storage

Keeping a raised tent clean and dry is essential for its longevity. After each camping trip, the tent should be thoroughly cleaned and dried before being stored. This includes wiping down the frame and fabric with a damp cloth to remove any dirt or debris, and allowing the tent to fully dry before storing it.

When storing a raised tent, it is important to store it in a dry, cool, and well-ventilated area. This can help prevent mold and mildew from forming on the fabric, which can cause damage over time. It is also important to store the tent in a way that does not put unnecessary stress on the frame or fabric.

By regularly inspecting, cleaning, and storing a raised tent properly, campers can help ensure their equipment lasts for many camping trips to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best ground cover to use under a tent?

The best ground cover to use under a tent is a tent footprint or a tarp. A tent footprint is a custom-cut piece of fabric or tarp that fits precisely under your tent. They offer additional protection and are highly recommended for those camping in extreme weather conditions. Tarps are also a good option, but be sure to fold the edges under the tent to prevent water from pooling on top of the tarp.

How do you attach a ground sheet to a tent?

To attach a ground sheet to a tent, first, clean the area where you will attach the ground sheet. Then, place the ground sheet under the tent and fold the edges up to the sides of the tent. Use clips or stakes to secure the ground sheet in place. Be sure to leave a small gap between the tent and the ground sheet to allow for ventilation.

What is the purpose of a tarp under a tent?

The purpose of a tarp under a tent is to provide additional protection from moisture and debris. A tarp will help keep the bottom of your tent dry and clean. It will also provide an extra layer of insulation, keeping you warmer in cold weather. Be sure to fold the edges of the tarp under the tent to prevent water from pooling on top of the tarp.

Can you set up a tent without stakes?

Yes, you can set up a tent without stakes, but it is not recommended. Stakes are necessary to secure the tent and prevent it from blowing away in windy conditions. If you do not have stakes, you can use heavy rocks or logs to secure the tent. However, this method is not as secure as using stakes.

How do you elevate a tent off the ground without using a platform?

To elevate a tent off the ground without using a platform, you can use cinder blocks, bricks, or logs. Place the blocks, bricks, or logs under the corners of the tent, making sure they are level and stable. This method is not as comfortable as using a platform, but it will keep you off the ground and provide some insulation.

What is the best material for an under tent mat?

The best material for an under tent mat is a durable and waterproof material such as polyethylene or PVC. These materials are lightweight, easy to clean, and provide excellent protection from moisture and debris. Be sure to choose a mat that is the same size as your tent or slightly smaller to prevent water from pooling on top of the mat.


My name is Evelyn and I started Camping The Camp to combine my love of the outdoors with my background in environmental science. I hope you’ll find helpful as you discover the joys of camping. It’s more than a weekend trip - it’s a chance to disconnect from devices, reconnect with loved ones, and make memories to last a lifetime

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